Chris' Past Accomplishments

Check back often, and watch as Chris's list grows to include all 50 United States!

First Marathon: Crow Pass, Alaska
Date: July 23, 2011
Placed: 131 out of 300
Finishing Time: 5:50:37

Second Marathon: Honolulu, Hawaii
Date: December 11th 2011
Placed: 2,749 out of 20,000
Finishing Time: 4:24:41
Sponsors: Asa'carsarmiut Tribal Office
Individual Supporters: Colleen McShea, Hazel Walters, Carol Slaught, and Cheryl Doyle

Third Marathon: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date: March 4, 2012
Placed: 1,021 out of 3,700
Finishing Time: 3:58:09
Sponsors: Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association

Fourth Marathon: Mayors Marathon, Anchorage, Alaska
Date: July 23, 2012
Placed: 102 out of 894
Finishing Time: 3:42:42

Sponsors: My mom and dad.

Fifth Marathon: Adirondack, New York
Date: September 23, 2012
Placed: 93 out of 250
Finishing Time: 4:03:43
Sponsors: Asa'carsarmiut Tribal Office.

Sixth Marathon: New Years Double Marathon, Allen, Texas
Date: December 31, 2012 
Placed: 1st in my age group
Finishing Time: 3:47:06
Sponsors: Alexandra Waska, Emily Kameroff, Judy Youngquist, Charles Redfox
Carol & Christopher Redfox, Tasha Redfox, Charann & Misty Alick, Anna Walters.

Seventh Maraton: New Years Double Marathon, Allen, Texas
Date: January 1, 2013
Placed: 1st in his age group
Finishing Time:4:53:28
Sponsors: Asa'carsarmiut Tribal Council, Carol & Christopher Redfox. 

Eighth Marathon: Equinox Ultra Marathon (40 miles)

Date: September 21, 2013

Placed: 12th out of 41 overall, 9th out of 35 in the mens group

Finishing Time: 6:54:37.3 

Sponsors: My mom and dad.

Ninth Marathon: Seattle Marathon

Date: December 1, 2013

Finishing Time: 4:18:17

Placed: 1,011th out of 2,126 overall,751 out of 1,348 in the mens group, my age group 70th out of 139.

Sponsors: Charann Alick, Lori Beans, Carol Redfox (Mom), Chris Redfox (Dad), Tasha Redfox (lil sis), Karrie Pavish Anderson, Diane Larson, Kara Mulkey, Lili Mulkey, Ian Mulkey, Izzy Mulkey, Ben Mulkey, and          

  Carol Roper