Do you want to support Chris Redfox? Your monetary donations go towards plane tickets, hotel rooms, running supplies, and any extra expenses involved with running marathons.

You can send a postal money order or check payable to Christopher Redfox II to:
Christopher Redfox II
PO Box 752654

Fairbanks, AK 99775

United States of America

If you would like to contact Christopher about purchasing a plane ticket or hotel room to one of his upcoming events you may contact him at: (907)444-1347

Want to become an official sponsor?
You can sponsor one of Chris's races by purchasing him a round-trip flight and hotel to one of his marathons. If you become an official sponsor a banner of your business or organization will be featured on the front page of this website for the days Chris is running the marathon. You will be listed as the sponsor for his specific race as it is listed on the 'Past Marathon's' and 'Future Marathon's' pages. And you will also be featured on the side of this page as an official sponsor.

Thank you for supporting Chris and helping him achieve his dreams! 

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